Comprehensive Project Management (MC):
Petro Polad Middle East Company is ready to provide the following services in line with the comprehensive management of projects.
a. Measurement and control of activities based on project scheduling and control.
b. Planning the management of weekly meetings with the agents involved in the project on a regular basis, dealing with issues and obstacles to the implementation of the work, preparing and recording the minutes of the meetings and the decisions made, and following up on their implementation.
c. Examining and presenting reports on the qualifications of vendors and contractors for the construction and supply of domestic equipment and materials.
d. Continuous and regular review and report on the supply of manpower and machinery required for the implementation of the plan and ensuring their compatibility with the implementation schedule.
e. Controlling and monitoring the maintenance of the executed works and the installed equipment according to the relevant instructions.
f. Controlling the completion of executive operations.
g. Monitoring the implementation of safety instructions and protection of environmental equipment.
h. Establish coordination of the monitoring team to monitor executive works either inside the site or in workshops outside the complex to provide internal equipment.
i. Examining and commenting on the contractor's claims.
J. Monitoring the quality control of installation and cold commissioning of the equipment and following up on the elimination of possible defects and deficiencies to perform warm commissioning operations by the contractor through compiling and completing the relevant forms, punch lists, etc. and issuing a certificate of completion of the installation.
k. Supervising hot start-up operations and performance testing through compiling and completing the relevant forms and punch lists for hot start-up and compiling instructions related to performance testing with the cooperation of the contractor and the approval of the employer in order to issue start-up certificates and complete and prepare the minutes of the temporary delivery meeting. br />
l. Monitoring the corrections and fixing possible defects in order to achieve performance guarantee values and evaluate the performance of the factory during the guarantee period.
m. Participating in temporary delivery and definitive delivery commissions and signing the minutes of the relevant meetings.
n. Dealing with the possible delays of the contractor to release the contractual guarantees after ensuring the full fulfillment of the obligations.
O. Reviewing and verifying the contractor's quality control system and ensuring the employment of qualified individuals with sufficient equipment to perform quality control services.
p. Technical inspection at the equipment manufacturing plant and doing the following:
- Monitoring the construction of equipment.
- Final tests and during construction of equipment.
- Document control according to QCTM quality control guidelines.
- Supervision of storage and maintenance in the manufacturer's factory.
- Monitoring the packaging and issuing permission to transport to the workshop.
- Checking and confirming the list of parts and equipment sent to the site (PACKING LIST).
- Compilation and submission of a complete report of the list of inspections for each equipment, including preparation and review of documents related to controls and tests during the manufacture of parts and equipment and their approval.